This is not an exhaustive or a complete subject. It is likely to change over time, with edits, additions and deletions, and is simply a collection of my thoughts based on many years of experience. You should follow your instincts, and you must always seek your own professional advice.
Consumers have been inundated with constant warnings of climate change, rising energy costs and the need to be more efficient with how we heat our homes. There seems to be a never ending round of government grants and schemes which claim to provide a discounted rate on insulation products and services. Consumers have been misled, scammed out of thousands of pounds and insulation projects have failed, resulting in even bigger costs to do it all again.
In recent years, we have seen the controversial use of spray foam insulation and now we are seeing the publicity given to retrofitting of walls, inside and/or outside, with insulation boards.
Wall insulation, particularly internal wall insulation, is highly risky and can lead to hidden condensation if it is not designed and installed correctly. If an internal wall insulation project is to be considered then it should only be done with specialist advice and guidance. A WUFI study, or other moisture path modelling path software, would be essential in any such discussion.
The use of natural fibres seems to be a sensible way forward and very worthy of consideration. The use of solid foam insulation seems to be highly risky and should probably be avoided..
The 2023 update to Approved Document L of Building Regulations includes this section for exemptions for Listed Buildings and others of a traditional construction. Always seek specific impartial professional advice for your building. Do not rely solely on sales literature, social media and other forms of advertising.
Disclaimer: Anything posted in this Blog is for general information only and it is not in any way intended to provide any advice, legal or otherwise, on any general or specific matter that you can rely on. You should always seek your own legal and surveying advice.